Pray for priests

Hardened Sinners Will Repent



The Lord said to me, My daughter, do not tire of proclaiming My mercy. In this way you will refresh this Heart of Mine, which burns with a flame of pity for sinners. Tell My priests that hardened sinners will repent on hearing their words when they speak about My unfathomable mercy, about the compas- sion I have for them in My Heart. To priests who proclaim and extol My mercy, I will give wondrous power; I will anoint their words and touch the hearts of those to whom they will speak (Diary, 1521).

My Prayer Response:

Lord, what a fantastic promise to priests who pro- claim and extol Your mercy! Awaken priests to receive Your wondrous power that anoints their words and touches the hearts of their congregation. Please do it, Lord; the Church and world desperately need Your mercy now while it is time for mercy

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